Dear families,
Welcome to our Term 4 newsletter. The is the last newsletter for this year. Please have a read through to find out what the children have been learning at your child’s kindergarten. For new families for 2025 we have a Kindergarten Family Handbook available to view on our website. It tells you what to bring to kinder next year. We will also be in touch with orientation details for 2025 very soon.
General Manager’s Update:
I would like to extend my gratitude to all the families and the staff at MEYM for making my time at MEYM so enjoyable.
It has been a wild ride as I commenced in 2020 with my colleague Anne McGregor just before the lockdown commenced. Since then we have built an amazing team of educators and teachers that are dedicated to pursuing educational excellence for your children. We have built an organisational culture that focuses on the values and vision of the organisation where children and families are at the centre of everything we do.
I would also like to extend my thanks to Board members past and present and the administration team who are exceptional within their roles and I could not have asked for a more skilled and dedicated team of colleagues. As I move into retirement I go with fond memories of my time at MEYM and know that the new GM will continue to push the organisation to new heights with a continued focus on education and the provision of services of excellence.
On a more practical note, the services close on Friday 20th December. The main office will also be closed from the 20th December until the 2nd of January.
If you need to contact the General Manager the email address is
Area Manager’s Update:
Dear Families
I hope that you are keeping well and have been able to get out and about during some of the warm spring days.
I wanted to bring to your attention and provide you some information about the rise in cases of Whooping Cough, as cases of pertussis (whooping cough) are continuing to increase in Victoria and we have been notified of a case out in one of MEYM’s services. Data is showing that there have been over 10 times the number of pertussis cases in 2024 than for the whole of 2023.
Anyone can get pertussis. Infants less than 6 months of age are at greatest risk of severe disease. These infants are too young to be fully immunised. Many infants who get pertussis catch it from older children and adults who might not even know they are infected.
Pertussis usually begins with cold-like symptoms, such as a dry cough, tiredness, runny nose, and low-grade fever, which may last for 1-2 weeks. A more definitive cough may then develop, lasting for 10 weeks or more. The cough comes in long spells and may be followed by a high-pitched ‘whooping’ sound on inhalation, or post-tussive (after coughing) vomiting in toddlers and older children.
Whooping cough needs to be diagnosed and treated immediately. Seek medical attention if you or your child has any of these symptoms:
- a severe cough which that may occur in bouts. Your child may appear well between episodes of coughing.
- characteristic ‘whooping’ sound when they breath in.
- vomiting at the end of a bout of coughing.
- your child stops breathing for periods of time and may go blue.
Because of the information above we ask you to keep your child home for 21 days after the onset of cough, or until they have received 5 days of antibiotic treatment. Stay Safe and reach out to a member of the team or a medical professional if you have any questions about the symptoms and whether your child can attend kindergarten.
Nikki Gill, Area Manager
Early Childhood Curriculum & Support Manager Update
Hi! I’m Shauna, MEYM’s Early Childhood Curriculum and Support Manager. The main responsibilities of my role are coaching, mentoring and supporting the MEYM teaching teams in their pedagogy and practice. I’ve been a Kinder teacher for many years and I’m passionate about growing the capacity of early childhood practitioners which lead to better outcomes for children and families. I work across all the MEYM services and I’m looking forward to meeting more families. If you do see me out and about, I’d love a chat!
Enrolment Officer’s Update
We are well underway with the enrolment process with a few families yet to complete enrolment forms. These families will be followed up this week.
Please note that an up to date Immunisation History Statement will be required as part of the enrolment process. Please ensure immunisations are up to date prior to commencing in the kinder program and contact me if you have any queries. If your child requires a Medical Action Plan due to a diagnosed health care need such as Anaphylaxis, Asthma, allergies etc, please be sure to provide one signed and stamped by a doctor prior to commencing. Medications must be in the original container with label attached and provided to the service.
Timetables: Timetables of our kindergarten programs for 2025 are available here.
Important notice on when to commence kindergarten: Children are eligible for one year of 3yo kinder and one year of 4yo kinder before commencing school. A second year of kindergarten will only be considered when a child shows delays in two or more key areas of learning and development that meet specific areas of eligibility set by the Department of Education. Feeling your child is too young for school will not meet the criteria. Families with children born between January and April can choose which year to start their child at 3yo kindergarten. These children can start 3yo kindergarten in the year they turn 3, or in the year they turn 4 years old.
Please keep the MEYM Enrolment Officer updated of the following change in family circumstances: Change in address or phone number, update of authorised nominees for your child, update of concession card or visa status, update of your child’s Medical Action Plan, Court orders, Child Protection or Child and Family Services support. Change of phone number will impact upon your being able to digitally sign your child in and out.
Absences from Kinder: If your child is going to be absent from kinder please email or call the kindergarten service.
If your child will be absent from the kinder program for a period longer than 2 weeks please inform the MEYM Enrolment Officer in writing to with the length of time your child/family will be absent.
Cancellation: If you wish to cancel out of a kindergarten program again, please advise the Enrolment Officer in writing giving 14 days notice of cancellation.
For families wishing to have a tour of our kindergartens please book a visit through our Book-a-Tour on our website. Families have an opportunity to view our wonderful kindergartens and meet some of our educators. Allow 15 minutes for the tour.
Important Dates: The children’s last session dates would have been communicated to you by your teacher. If you are unsure about your child’s last day please contact me or speak with your teacher.
Term Dates 2024
Term 4 Start Date 7 October Finish Date 20 December
Term Dates 2025
Start of term 1, 28 January, Finish 4 April
Start of term 2, 22 April, Finish 4 July
Start of term 3, 21 July, Finish 19 September
Start of term 4, 6 October, Finish 19 December
Facebook and Instagram: Please visit our facebook and instagram pages to have a look at Turner Street Kindergarten’s magical fairy garden plus other posts on our kindergarten services.
For any enquiries regarding kindergarten programs, enrolment or orientation, please email Samantha, Enrolment Officer at
Thank you, Samantha Zuccarelli, Enrolment Officer, MEYM
Reports from our MEYM Kindergartens
Gowanbrae Children’s Centre
Important Dates: End-of-year celebration and learning exhibition
Tuesday 10th December 2-4pm for yellow and red
Thursday 12th December 2-4pm for blue
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: Yellow Group written by Rach
Over recent weeks the children have been working on fabric painting the Aboriginal art symbols on to their tote bags, t-shirts, and pillowcases. This work builds on our previous work of exploring the Aboriginal art symbols.
For the children who are going to primary school next year they have begun writing letters to their teachers. Part of these letters involves asking children about their feelings related to their transition, what they might need help with, and what they think their teacher may need to know about them. We look forward to sharing this work with you at our end-of-year learning exhibition.
Red group written by Isabella: This term, the children in the Red Group have shown interest in taking photos on cameras. We have a number of toy and non-working cameras in the learning environment, and the children have been using them to take pretend photos. I thought these “photos” would make really great photographs. I brought in a real digital camera and the children got to take one photo of something in the kindergarten environment. Some children took photos of their friends, favourite toys, and the building, while other children took photos of nature. I printed the photos on photographic paper and shared them with the children. The children are very proud of the photography they have taken and are excited to share their work with you at the end of year exhibition.
Blue group written by Sue: Over the last few weeks, the children have been eagerly exploring changes in properties through hands-on sensory play, nature activities, and cooking experiences. They work with diverse materials like playdough, clay, flour, oil, salt, baking soda, and natural items such as flowers, leaves, dirt, and sand, experimenting with a wide range of textures and transformations. Activities include making playdough, goop, and salt dough; mixing “potions” in the fairy garden; creating baking soda and vinegar “volcanoes”; and cooking simple recipes like pizza and pancakes. These experiences provide opportunities to observe physical and chemical changes firsthand, sparking curiosity and deepening their understanding of basic scientific concepts in a fun and interactive way.
Volunteer Opportunities: We are looking for some people to help set up the food tables etc for the end-of-year celebration.
From the team at Gowanbrae Children’s Centre
Lake Park Kindergarten
Important Dates: Whole Service Celebration: PICNIC @ THE PARK, WEDNESDAY 4TH DECEMBER, 5-7pm.
What’s happening in our kindergarten program:
Kingfisher: In the Kingfisher group we have been revisiting our knowledge of volcanoes and creating a range of volcano eruptions with different materials. The children have been leading their own learning all term and we see this is the way they find or ask for resources they need, ask each other for support or answers before asking a teacher and creating their own learning experiences. We have continued to bring inspiration from the nature program into the kindergarten space and are currently working on a giant Kingfisher to represent our group. We have also been exploring how our bodies feel and react in different situations. We have been using books, puppets and self portraits to further our understanding of ours and others emotions.
Dragonfly: Dragonfly group
Throughout term 4 so far, the educators have noticed the children in the Dragonfly group have really shown a lot of growth and maturity at Lake Park. Children continually strengthen their friendship and collaboration with peers through various play experiences. Imaginary play around dress ups continued to be very popular amongst the children in both indoor and outdoor settings. We have also focused on learning about birds around Merri Creek and drawing feathers in the room with our friends and educators.
We also had cooking experiences from baking delicious strawberry muffins while our other friends were on their small groups nature program.
The children continually enjoy listening to stories on Walert’s adventures and we are very hopeful every child will get the opportunity to take Walert home with them by the end of the year. So Please be patient, your turn is coming!
Children are becoming curious about energy after listening to the story on how to save energy and we will help children scaffold their learning on this interest. Lastly, we would also like to congratulate Jack’s family on the arrival of his baby sister, Audrey. On behalf of the Dragonfly team we would like to send our best wishes on the arrival of your newborn. Wishing Jack’s family good health and happiness!
Sustainability update at Lake Park Kindergarten: Lake Park Kindergarten is part of the Resource Smart Schools Program. Resource Smart Schools is a program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools & early learning centres to embed sustainability across their facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money.
Our Resource Smart Core, Waste and Biodiversity modules are now certified. The next module that we will focus on is Energy. The Energy Module will help our Lake Park Kindergarten to reduce energy use and save on bills. We will work on ways in which we can conserve energy, promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gases. Here are some Energy Savings tips to help at home.
Summer Energy Saving Tips: 1/ Set your cooling to between 23– 26 degrees – By setting your air conditioner in Summer to between 23 and 26 degrees, you can keep your home cool and reduce costs. In summer, for every 1°C you lower your air conditioner setting, you add 10 per cent to the running costs of your cooling appliance.
2/ Fit draught seals to window and door openings.
3/ Turn off non-essential appliances at the switch – Electronic devices can use up to 10% of your household’s electricity on standby.
4/ Run a full washing load – Try waiting until your washing machine and dishwasher are full before running a cycle. For greater savings, choose the shortest washing cycle when you can.
5/ Replace your old showerhead – Did you know that replacing your old shower head with a more efficient one can save you around $160 yearly on energy and water bills.
For more energy saving tips go to:
Child Reflections: With half of our group getting ready for school next year, kingfisher has heard many stories of school visits, playgrounds, teachers and school buildings. Those who are not going to school have talked of the new friends we will meet next year and of how kindergarten might change over summer. With regards to the Dragonfly group, some of our friends are in the process of doing their orientation now and since discussing school we extended this by our school dramatic play to support their transition to school.
Incursions/Excursions: Kingfisher Nature program: Tuesday 26th of November 10am- 1pm, Tuesday 3rd of December 10am- 1pm, Tuesday 10th of December 10am- 1pm
We encourage family helpers at each nature program but especially at our last one for the year!
Dragonfly Nature program:
Friday 15th of November 1:00 – 3:30pm (Group 2), Friday 22nd November 1:00 – 3:30pm (Group 1)
Friday 29th November 1:00 – 3:30pm (Group 2), Friday 6th December 1:00 – 3:30pm (Group 1)
Friday 13th December 1:00 – 3:30pm (4 year old group only!)
The last nature program is our special one exclusive to our Dragonfly 4 year old children before they complete their final year. It would be wonderful to see some of our 4 year old families come and join us as family helpers on the nature program for 2024.
Teacher Communications: It is getting close to the end of the year and we just want to thank you for such a wonderful year. We have enjoyed learning and teaching alongside your children. Amy, our wonderful student will have her last day with us on Tuesday the 19th of November. She has been a joy to have with us and we have enjoyed learning from her and alongside her.
From the team at Lake Park Kindergarten
Moomba Park Kindergarten
Important Dates: Last day for Term 4: Wombat and Possum – Monday, 16 Dec, Echidna and Kangaroo – Wednesday, 18 Dec
End of year celebration: Possum – Thursday, 12 Dec, Echidna and Kangaroo – Wednesday, 18 Dec, Wombat – Monday, 16 Dec
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: Wombat Group 3-YO: We started term 4 with warm weather. All the children were enthusiastic about playing outside on different equipment, especially the big swing! They worked out by themselves how to take turns enjoying the swings with other children. The children also enjoyed engaging with the educators through activities like kicking balls, digging holes in the sandpit, and watering the garden. This term, we continued our community walks, where the children explored local flora and fauna, observed the houses in the neighbourhood, and discovered nature’s hidden treasures.
Echidna Group 3-YO: The Echidna group has been actively exploring fine motor skills through a variety of hands-on activities. The group has shown a keen interest in the concept of “care for country.” We’re engaging in conversations about how we can look after our environment, fostering the development of a deeper appreciation for nature. The Echidna children went on their first community walk; it was a short walk, but most of the children enjoyed it. We had a reflective discussion as a whole group when we returned to kindergarten. In preparation for this walk, we took time to talk with the children about what to expect and how to be mindful of their surroundings during the walks. The group will continue to go for walks fortnightly.
The Echidna group children are working on a planting project that nurtures their understanding of nature. The child planted the tomato seeds in the individual pots. The children daily observe their plant’s growth and discuss the factors that contribute to it.
Our storytelling sessions were enriched with the addition of puppets, adding an element of fun and engagement, particularly during readings “The Gingerbread Man” during our group times.
Kangaroo Group 4-YO: A positive start back to term 4 with a focus on continuing to support children’s abilities to seek new challenges and work collaboratively. As children demonstrate and use initiative to ask questions and attempt new challenges, educators assist the children to further plan their learning and reflect on their achievements while enjoying their accomplishments. The loose parts construction table is ever so popular- from making spiders to vacuum cleaners. Anther interest has been bugs!!Finding them in the garden to making them at kinder. Many of the children are off on their school orientations days, so we have set up a school readiness area and we are focusing on literacy, name recognition and print.
Community walks have continued as well as STEM experiences and embedding sustainable practices. We celebrated sustainability with the “Little sprouts program”-using recycled paper to make a seed card.
Possum Group 4-YO: This term, we’ve delved into the world of storytelling and narration, encouraging children to craft their own tales using provided prompts. Sequencing techniques have been introduced to guide their narratives. Children have captured their stories through drawings and letters, with educators assisting by transcribing their thoughts. The narrative journey extended to “And then” story time, a verbal storytelling session with the whole group. This process is gradually boosting the children’s confidence and sparking their imaginations.
We’ve incorporated monthly inquiries into children’s books, using diverse materials and tools to enhance literacy, numeracy, and STEM skills. We’ve focused on the stories “Wombat Stew” and “Tiddalick,” learning about Australian animals and their habitats. This storytelling adventure, supplemented with puppets, face masks, puzzles and
loose parts, has fostered teamwork, problem-solving, and awareness of feelings/emotions and our surroundings. The provision of thoughtfully designed play stations offers further opportunities for creativity and imagination. Children had hands-on experience of creating their own characters with playdough (children took photos of their work) and they created facemasks for role-play.
How are we connecting to land: Children are showing great interest in bugs and insects that we keep finding in kindergarten natural environments. Investigation continues when we are out in the community. The group is transitioning from more physical games like playing soccer to focusing on exploration and creativity. They are more attuned to the flora and fauna around them, finding witchety grubs, digging for natural clay (wondering how we can use it?), collecting natural materials and using them for well-thought-out design/construction purposes.
Incursions/Excursions Information: Our both 4-YO groups [Kangaroo – Possum (at the end of term 3)] had body safety incursion; it was designed to give the children relationship skills and assist them to identify unsafe situations and ask for help if needed. This ran over two sessions. The children learnt about their body’s early warning signs’ that tells them something doesn’t feel safe.

Discussed emotions and feelings. Know that their body belongs to them. Identified their safe people using felt puppets.
Kangaroo group also celebrated children’s week with a visit from the SES. Children have a right to a safe and clean environment. The children were supported to understand what happens in an emergency and to ensure they know how to stay safe. Children were taught how to become aware and learn practical ways to prepare for weather events.

Little Sprout Incursion – Recycled Paper (All groups 3-YO and 4-YO attended the incursion).
The theme was centered on creating recycled paper seed cards. Presenter engaged the children by talking about the origins of paper, its environmental impact, and how we can help protect our surroundings. She then demonstrated using shredded paper to craft paper pulp, transforming it into recycled sheets. The children eagerly participated, taking turns to add shredded paper and water into a blender to create the pulp and transforming it into sheet of paper. Children then created individual pieces. This experience aligns with our learning goal of developing a sustainability identity.
From the team at Moomba Park Kindergarten
Newlands Preschool
Important Dates: Carp Productions on the 10th and 11th of December will be coming to do a space themed comedy show.
Red Group Last Day 17th of December
Blue Group Last Day 18th of December.
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: Newlands is ending the year with lot’s of fabulous nature based learning. Both groups have been exploring gardening and watching as seeds grow and change. The groups currently have a range of small plants on the go including strawberries, spinach and some herbs. It has been great to see the groups take responsibility for the care of the garden and a highlight for everyone each day is to check the plants and make sure they have had some water.
Blue group is celebrating the end of the week each Friday by having what we have nicknamed ‘Oreo Friday’. Towards the end of the session the group sits down shares an Oreo cookie and their highlight of the day. It is really creating a sense of community in the group.
For both groups again – many of the children have been visiting schools. We are using group times as time were we can sit and chat about these visits. For some children it has been about exploring their worries about school – but for most it has been a very exciting and fun experience.
Child Reflections: The children are really driving the learning program presently – which is all proof they are ready for school.
Some are exploring a new found love of airports and airplanes – complete with the creation of their own role play plane which featured safety cards and dramatic evacuations. Others are building dream planes out of Lego.
The children were delighted to receive a very generous donation of Lego from a departing family who couldn’t take it overseas with them. It has not only given them a great chance to explore some really creative building but they often reflect really kindly on the family who donated it and ask about the child who has left. It is small things like this which really show the community we have built here this year and I could not be more proud of the children and the ways they show they care.
Nature Program: Nature play is continuing to happen when it can for both groups. It is great to sit back and think about how far we have come with it for this year. There have been some pauses for Blue group given we have had some visitors over the last few weeks but we do hope to get out again very soon.
Child Safety: We have been continuing to focus on the child’s view and voice in terms of child safety and as a team will be reflecting on “how can we help children tell us if they feel unsafe” going into the next year.
Parent Fundraising Group: A massive thank you to Claire for all her support this year. We couldn’t have done it without you and our fundraising has been super successful. The children are hoping to purchase a net swing for the kindergarten as a goodbye present – so that children can enjoy that in the future.
Teacher Communications: Rabia is coming to the end of her teaching placement here at Newlands and it has been a wonderful experience for her, the staff and the children. As her mentor I would like to take the time to thank her for all her hard work over the last 5 weeks and I could not be more proud of her to go into the sector as a teacher. She has been creating wonderful learning experiences for the children and they have enjoyed having her in the room. I would also like to Welcome Ashwin and Shamaila who are uniting KIS workers to the Blue group. Ashwin will be working on Wednesdays for November and Shamaila will be in on Fridays to help support the group. Both Ashwin and Shamila have been very complementary of the service and the warm nurturing environment it has.
From the team at Newlands Preschool
Oak Park Kindergarten
It is amazing how fast the term is flying by and that we are up to discussing last days, school orientation and end of year functions. Please read below our latest news.
Building news: Today we had our final walk through with the builders and Council of the new build. There are still a few little things that will be done over the next week, but everything is signed off and paperwork submitted for the occupancy certificate!
We wish to thank you all for your patience and positivity throughout the year, and making this difficult situation easier on us all. Next step is to furnish the new areas and move in once we have that certificate in hand.
Staff news: This term we have welcomed Danie to our 4yo Yellow Group, replacing Shreya, and welcomed back Sharon to our 3yo group who has replaced Rocaya.
Philosophy: This year we have been working on rewriting our philosophy. We are now ready to send it out to families to review and provide any feedback that you may have. Please keep a look out for our philosophy email within the next week, and any feedback would be welcomed.
Last days of term/year
The last days for each group are:
3yo Green: Wednesday 11th December
4yo Yellow: Monday 16th December
4yo Purple: Thursday 19th December
These will be normal session times; however, each group will be doing something with children and families to celebrate the end of the year. Your teacher will inform you closer to the date as to what will be happening.
End of year family function: Our Parents Group is currently organizing an end of year party for the OPK families. This is set for the afternoon of Saturday 7th December. More information about the event will be coming from the Parents Group shortly.
Transition Learning and Development Statements (TLDS) – 4yo groups: TLDS are currently being written for our 4yo’s to be shared with the schools. Just a reminder to our 4yo Parents to complete your sections 2 – The Child and 3 – The Family to add to your child’s statement. 4yo Purple are due back this Friday 15th November and 4yo Yellow’s are due next Tuesday 19th November.
You will be given a copy of your child’s TLDS prior to us sending them to the schools, and have the option to opt out of sharing if you do not want it sent. More information will be provided with your TLDS.
2025 Parent Information Evening: We are holding our 2025 Parent Information Evening at the Kindergarten on Monday 2nd December at 7pm. Children returning in 2025 should have received the email from our Enrolment Officer.
Picture Plates
I have received an email saying that the Picture Plates are ready to ship, so they should hopefully be here within the next week or two.
Tea Towels (4yo): Our 4yo groups are currently preparing a tea towel memento. All orders are due this Friday so that we can send everything off to receive the tea towels by the end of term. I have placed one of our previous years tea towels in the hallway so that you can see what the end product would look like, just with different children’s pictures. Our 4yo’s are currently drawing their self portraits to be placed on the tea towel.
Wet Bags: At the start of December we will be holding a wet bag fundraiser. This is more aimed at the new families entering the kindergarten in 2025, however if you are interested in purchasing a wet bag to keep in your child’s kinder bag, please speak to your child’s teacher when you see them advertised. The cost is $17.00 and there are 4 colours to choose from.
As always, we are available to chat after the session or during our planning time if you have any questions or concerns.
From the team at Oak Park Kindergarten
St Linus Kindergarten
Important Dates: Service: 16/11: Trivia night. 13/12: Art show and BBQ 5.30pm in the hall
3-year-old program: 18/11: Breakfast at kinder- wear your PJ’s and have a pancake breakfast at kinder,
22/11: Incursion with Andrew the librarian, 16/12: Last day of kinder. Afternoon tea 2pm
4-year-old program: 12/11 and 19/11: Visits from students at St Mark’s Primary, 11/12: End of year celebration 5pm, 17/12: Last day for Groups A and B, 18/12: Last day for Group C.
What’s happening at our service: What a fabulous trip to Animal Land Children’s Farm our 4-year-olds recently had! We had the opportunity to ride a pony; ride a tractor; milk a cow; pat baby animals; feed the ducks, sheep and goats and churn milk into butter. We learnt about the names of baby animals and distinct features of the animals. Thank you to the PAG for fundraising for this amazing excursion!
Lots of sand and water play has been happening throughout the kinder, which has seen an abundance of STEM learning in place. A lot of the children have continued on with their ‘stop the leak’ problem-solving activity, which has seen plenty of amazing collaboration.
Incursions/Excursions: Teachers and children from St Mark’s Primary will be visiting the 4-year-old group on the 12th and 19th of November.
Andrew the librarian will be coming out to conduct a session with the 3-year-old group on the 22nd of November.
Parent Fundraising Group: 16/11: Trivia night. Tickets can be purchased via the link provided at the kinder. Tables of 8.
Service Building Works/Improvements: Our outdoor space is complete! The finishing touches were added over the last break, with the fencing being replaced and new seating added outside the kinder room.
From the team at St Linus Kindergarten
Turner Street Kindergarten
Important dates: Green Group
Drama Toolbox incursion (Habitat Helper): 08/10/2024
Butterfly lifecycle observation: 14/10/2024
Halloween celebration: 29/10/2024
Blue Group
Making rose water: 23/10/2024, Worm Farming incursion: 30/10/2024, Halloween celebration (grandparents stay and play): 31/10/2024
What’s happening in the kinder program: Drama Toolbox Incursion – Habitat Helper: 8th October
The children explored four habitats—The Great Barrier Reef, Sumatran Jungle, Antarctica, and Tasmania—through the “Habitat Helper” incursion by Drama Toolbox. They role-played as animals and “Earth superheroes,” learning about recycling, plastic pollution, and habitat conservation. This interactive experience supported their understanding of sustainability and teamwork.
Butterfly Lifecycle: 14th October
The children observed butterfly pupae transform into butterflies, fostering curiosity about life cycles. They eagerly watched the butterflies unfold and spread their wings, marveling at nature’s beauty. This observation learning experience enhanced their understanding of growth, change, and environmental wonder.
Making Rose Water: 23th October
The children engaged in a sensory-rich experience of making rose water. Using rose petals, a mortar and pestle, and spray bottles, they explored the process step-by-step. This activity provided opportunities to discuss textures, scents, and the use of natural materials in daily life. It encouraged creativity, fine motor skills, and an appreciation for nature’s resources.
Worm Farm incursion: 30th October
The children participated in a fascinating worm farming incursion, discovering the vital role worms play in creating healthy soil and reducing waste. They explored the lifecycle of worms, learned about composting, and observed how worms help recycle organic matter into nutrient-rich soil. This hands-on experience deepened their understanding of sustainability and caring for our environment.
Halloween Celebration: 29th October & 31st October
Green Group: The Green Group celebrated Halloween with a special carrot cake-making experience. On Monday, the children measured flour, poured ingredients, and stirred the mixture to create delicious carrot cakes. The carrots were freshly harvested from our veggie garden, making the activity even more meaningful. This hands-on experience encouraged teamwork, fine motor skills, and a connection to healthy eating. The cakes were served as a special Halloween treat, and the children absolutely loved them!
Blue Group: The Blue Group hosted a heartwarming Grandparents/Special Person Stay and Play session. Families were invited to join the children during their kindergarten day in the morning, engaging in a variety of activities such as painting, building, and reading together. This special event strengthened the bond between children and their loved ones, fostering a sense of community and belonging. The children were exited to share their favourite activities and spaces with their special guests.
Child Reflections: The children have been busy exploring and enjoying a range of activities, help them generating new ideas from various inputs.
Outdoor Play:
The new climbing frame has been very popular, with children challenging themselves to climb higher and try new ways to play. They also love using different types of blocks to build creative structures, such as towers, bridges, and small houses.
Colour Mixing / Potion Making: Mixing colours has been a favourite activity, with the children making their own potions by combining paints and liquids. They enjoy watching the colours change and talking about what they’ve created.
Arts and Crafts:The children love getting creative at the arts and crafts table. They use materials like recycled items, paints, and other resources to make exciting projects. Many of their ideas come from what they’ve learned during incursions and new programs.
Book Reading: Reading time has been full of fun and imagination. The children especially enjoy ghost stories, describing where the ghosts are, what they’re doing, and even creating their own ideas about the characters. This has helped them build their storytelling and language skills.
Incursions/Excursions: Green Group
Drama Toolbox incursion (Habitat Helper): Tuesday 08/10/2024
Blue Group
Worm Farming incursion: Wednesday 30/10/2024
From the team at Turner Street Kindergarten
Our Community
Rhyme TIme: Enjoy a fun-filled session based on music and movement as you and your baby share rhymes and action songs. Rhymetime introduces carers to fun ways to support baby’s physical development and literacy. Rhymetime is for pre-walking (0-18 months) babies and their carers Held during school terms: Music and movement as you and your baby share rhymes and action songs. A fun session to support physical development and literacy (for pre-walking 0-18 months) babies and their carers: Tuesdays, 10.30am at Fawkner Library, Wednesdays, 10.30am at Glenroy Library, Thursdays, 10.30am and 11.30am at Coburg Library, Fridays, 10.00am and 11.00am at Brunswick Library.
WordPlay: Let’s use our words to play! Word Play is a free literacy program for families to learn English together and make the most of pre-school play. Learning through play is an important part of pre-school learning and in these relaxed sessions we use books, puppets, puzzles and blocks to learn together. Word Play is aimed at pre-school children aged 3-5 years.
Word Play session times:
A free literacy program for families to learn English together. Aimed at preschool children aged 3-5 years. Held during school terms on Wednesdays, 10.30am at Fawkner Library.
Multicultural Events:
Conversation Cafe: A weekly social group for adults who speak English as a second language and anyone interested in intercultural conversations. You can practice speaking and listening in English. Glenroy Library on Thursdays at 7.30pm during school terms.
Chatty Cafe: Brings the community together for friendly conversation. English practice and social connection. No need to book. Sussex Neighbourhood House, Pascoe Vale, Fridays 10am – 12pm in the Community Hub. Glenroy Library, Friday 11am.

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