Gowanbrae Children’s Centre

Gowanbrae Children’s Centre was established in 2011.  We are a community based sessional kindergarten managed by Merri-bek Early Years Management.  We provide the local community with a high quality early childhood educational program for children aged three to five years and offers children outstanding facilities, including a large outdoor learning environment.

Children who attend Gowanbrae Children’s Centre are engaged in a play-based curriculum based upon children’s emergent interests. Both indoor and outdoor activities and experiences are carefully planned to enable each child to progress in their next step in learning.


We are committed to supporting children to learn and experience the cultural heritage of Australia. As teachers/educators, we are committed to continuing to further develop our knowledge and practice in relation to Indigenous cultures.

We are committed to working alongside and supporting children to develop a sense of connection and custodianship of the environment and the local land. This involves supporting children to learn about, in, with, and for nature.

The teaching team makes purposeful decisions about the programs and how the environment is set up based on the children’s current interests, knowledge, and capabilities.

The teaching team work in collaborative partnerships with parents and families which allows for an increased understanding of children and their learning.

Continued development of professional knowledge and professional practice of the teaching team ensures ongoing improvement and development of the programs offered for children.

Children are supported to be confident and successful within the group context. This involves ensuring that children have a strong sense of identity and that they develop collaborative relationships with others.

This philosophy was influenced by:

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/childhood/providers/edcare/veyldframework.pdf

8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning https://www.8ways.online/

The values and vision of MEYM https://meym.org.au/about-meym/

The MEYM Reconciliation Action Plan https://meym.org.au/reconciliation-action-plan/

Victoria’s Child Safe standards https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/assets/resources/New-CSS/Victorias-Child-Safe-Standards-Plain-language-poster-10.02.2023.pdf

Parent Involvement

Volunteering at the kinder is a great way of being involved with your child’s kindergarten experience.  We welcome and encourage parents and carers to attend kinder and participate within our program. Some ways of getting involved are sharing a story in your home language, board game day, share time with your child in a different environment, assist educators with specific tasks and to join the Parent Fundraising Group.


Gowanbrae Children’s Centre promotes an appreciation of nature and the natural environment and the connection between people, plants, animals and the land.  We engage in sustainable practices

Our staff

We have a team of committed, experienced and kind staff who always put the needs of the children first. The aim of our staff is to maximise the benefit of the kindergarten experience for each child by creating a relationship based on trust and respect. Each group has a minimum of two teaching staff –  a qualified teacher with a teaching degree specialising in early childhood and a co- educator with a diploma or certificate in children’s services. Our highly experienced staff recognise stages of child development and create and facilitate a learning environment that is responsive to the children’s interests, learning and needs. If you are interested in viewing Gowanbrae Children’s Centre please complete our Book-a-Tour to book your place for a scheduled tour.

National Quality Rating

We are thrilled to announce that Gowanbrae Children’s Centre has been rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standard in all areas by the Assessors from the Quality Assessment and Regulation Division, Department of Education at their recent Assessment and Ratings visit. This is a testament to the professionalism and commitment of the staff at the service.

What a great outcome for Gowanbrae families and children!

Please click to view our timetable and Q&A’s

Gowanbrae Appointment

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