Dear families,
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new families at MEYM, and to our returning families, we sincerely appreciate your continued support for another year, filled with enjoyable learning experiences. We hope you find our termly Newsletters informative, as they highlight the activities and programs offered at our various MEYM services. Additionally, you will receive communications from our teaching staff at your service throughout the year.
Please take a moment to review the Kindergarten Family Handbook available on our website – this will provide you with further information on what to bring to kindergarten. We trust that your children are settling in well and are enjoying their interactions with new teachers and peers. For your convenience, we have included important information regarding our term dates, kinder closure dates, and the enrolment process for 2026. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at
General Manager – Shanna Whitelaw:
Dear Families, It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to all existing families and new families that have recently joined us at one of our MEYM kindergartens. We are thrilled to have your children with us and hope that their first few weeks of Kindergarten have been filled with new friendships and joyful experiences.
I am delighted to introduce myself as the new General Manager at MEYM. My name is Shanna, and I am thrilled to join this wonderful community. With a deep passion for early childhood education and a commitment to fostering strong relationships between families, children, and Teachers, I am excited to embark on this journey with you. Together with the amazing MEYM team, we will continue to uphold the excellence of our programs and services, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our children. At MEYM Kindergartens, your child learns through fun and engaging activities. While you might not always see traditional signs of learning, every child is developing important skills like problem-solving, creativity, and social interaction. Each game and activity is designed to nurture your child’s curiosity and love for learning, ensuring they cultivate the dispositions needed to become successful lifelong learners.
For some children, the transition to Kindergarten is smooth sailing, marked by excitement and curiosity. They run into the service on their first day, ready to take on the challenges of this new experience. For others, this transition takes a bit more time and persistence. If you have any concerns about separation or adjustment, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our incredible Teachers and Educators. They are here to support both you and your child with the transition into Kindergarten and can offer advice and strategies on the best ways to help your child adjust to their new routine.
I look forward to meeting each of you in services and working closely with our dedicated team to make this a fantastic year for everyone at MEYM.
Shanna Whitelaw, General Manager,
Area Manager – Nikki Gill:
Dear MEYM Kindergarten Families, welcome to MEYM. I wanted to take this opportunity to provide you information on the Child Safe Standards and how MEYM adheres to the standards to keep your child/ren safe.
When your child is in the care of an organisation you want to know that they will be safe from abuse. The Child Safe Standards are designed to prevent child abuse in organisations. The Child Safe Standards apply to over 50,000 Victorian organisations that provide services or facilities for children, these facilities include kindergartens and early learning centres.
How the Child Safe Standards protect your child at kindergarten
The Standards require organisations to take actions in a range of areas, including:
• background and suitability checks of staff and volunteers
• codes of conduct for staff and volunteers
• training and supervision of staff and volunteers
• documented risk assessments for all incursions and excursions
• clear procedures for reporting and acting on any concerns or allegations
• commitment to listening to children and encouraging them to speak up if they don’t feel safe
How MEYM is meeting the Child Safe Standards?
We encourage you to look on our website and noticeboards and talk to staff. Our organisation has documents such as:
• Child Safe Policy and or Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
• Code of Conduct for workers and volunteers
• Information about how to raise safety concerns
• Organisation Risk Assessment and I individual service Child Safe Standards Action Plans
• Complaints procedure
• Regular all staff professional development
• Documented agenda item at every board and team meeting
We encourage you to ask staff or myself questions if you require further information on the Child Safe Standards or visit
Stay Safe, Nikki Gill, Area Manager
Early Childhood Curriculum & Support Manager – Shauna Lui
Wominjeka families, welcome to Term 1 of 2025. Our teams have been working hard to support the children in settling in and transitioning to Kinder. In my visits to the services, I have observed the teams building trust with the children through warm and positive interactions. We want all children and families to feel welcome and safe in their Kinder environment. If you are concerned about any separation issues please feel free to speak to your child/ren’s team, they have many strategies to support you and your child in their transition to Kinder.
This year, MEYM will be establishing a community of practice for early career teachers. The goal is to support our graduate teachers in developing and refining their practice using a collaborative approach. We will be meeting monthly, to learn and think together about contemporary practice as well as support one another in working towards full registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Shauna Lui – Early Childhood Curriculum & Support Manager,
Enrolment Officer – Sam Zuccarelli
Welcome to all our 2025 families!
Communication: MEYM publishes a newsletter each term to keep you informed about our services. Additionally, the Enrolment Officer will communicate important updates via email throughout the year. Your child’s kindergarten staff may also reach out to discuss the program and provide insights on your child’s progress. We kindly ask that you check your email, including your inbox and spam folder, and ensure that you read our communications. You are welcome to request a meeting with your child’s teacher if you feel the need, at any time. Furthermore, we share updates and photos on our social media platforms, including facebook and instagram.
Additionally, we will be holding parent-teacher interviews in the coming weeks. Further details will be emailed to you soon.
Enrolling for kinder 2026: For children currently enrolled in the 3yo group at one of our MEYM kindergartens this year, you are not required to register your child for four-year-old kindergarten in 2026, provided you wish for your child to continue at the same kindergarten.
In March, you will receive an email from Merri-bek Council asking if you would like your child to remain at the same kindergarten. It is important that you respond affirmatively.
If you do not wish for your child to continue at the same kindergarten, please ensure you register them when the Council’s online portal for 2026 opens on April 1. You cannot register before this date.
Immunisations: Please note that an up to date Immunisation History Statement is required as part of the enrolment process. Please ensure immunisations are up to date prior to commencing in the kinder program and throughout your child’s enrolment.
Medical Action Plan: If your child requires a Medical Action Plan due to a diagnosed health care need such as Anaphylaxis, Asthma, allergies etc., please be sure to provide one signed and stamped by a doctor prior to commencing kindergarten. Medications must be in the original container with label attached and provided to the service. Please keep Medical Action Plans in date throughout your child’s enrolment.
Picking up your child from kindergarten: It is important to pick up your child on time. If you are running late please ensure that you call your kinder service. Educators will attempt to call you and if they cannot reach you they will call your authorised nominees. Please ensure your authorised nominees are up to date. Late collection fees may be implemented for late collection.
Timetables: Timetables of our kindergarten programs for 2026 will be available soon. 2025 families will be notified once they are updated to our website.
Important notice on when to commence kindergarten: Children are eligible for one year of 3yo kinder and one year of 4yo kinder before commencing school. A second year of kindergarten will only be considered when a child shows delays in two or more key areas of learning and development that meet specific areas of eligibility set by the Department of Education. Feeling your child is too young for school will not meet the criteria. Families with children born between January and April can choose which year to start their child at 3yo kindergarten. These children can start 3yo kindergarten in the year they turn 3, or in the year they turn 4 years old.
Please keep the MEYM Enrolment Officer notified of the following change in family circumstances: Change in address or phone number, update of authorised nominees for your child, update of concession card or visa status, update of your child’s Medical Action Plan, Court orders, Child Protection or Child and Family Services support. Note that a change of phone number will impact upon your being able to digitally sign your child in and out if you do not notify us.
Absences from Kinder: If your child is going to be absent from kinder please call or email your child’s kindergarten service.
Absences of 2 weeks or more: If your child will be absent from the kinder program for a period longer than 2 weeks please inform the MEYM Enrolment Officer in writing to with the length of time your child/family will be absent.
Cancellation: If you wish to cancel out of a kindergarten program, please advise the Enrolment Officer in writing giving 14 days notice of cancellation noting the last date that your child will attend in the program.
Kinder Tours: For families wishing to have a tour of our kindergartens please book a visit through our Book-a-Tour on our website. Families have an opportunity to view our wonderful kindergartens and meet some of our educators. Allow 10 – 15 minutes for the tour.
Open Days: We are currently organising Open Days for our services for week commencing 24th March. Further details will be communicated soon.
Important Dates:
Note that our kindergartens are closed on the Labour Day public holiday Monday 10 March.
Term Dates 2025
Start of term 1, 28 January, Finish 4 April
Start of term 2, 22 April, Finish 4 July
Start of term 3, 21 July, Finish 19 September
Start of term 4, 6 October, Finish 19 December
MEYM Professional Development days – Kinder is closed on the following dates so that MEYM staff can attend professional development. In 2025 these closure dates are Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November.
For any enquiries regarding kindergarten programs, enrolment or orientation, please email Samantha, Enrolment Officer at
Thank you, Samantha Zuccarelli, Enrolment Officer, MEYM
Reports from our MEYM Kindergartens
Gowanbrae Children’s Centre
Important Dates: Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: Wominjeka/Welcome to 2025 at Gowanbrae Children’s Centre. It has been wonderful to see children returning from last year, families returning from previous years, and new families joining us. We hope that you are enjoying your time with us in 2025 so far. We look forward to spending more time with you across the year. We know that the beginning of the year often sparks questions so please let your teaching team know if you have any questions.
Parent Fundraising: All parents who have indicated their interest in being part of parent fundraising for 2025 will receive an email to confirm their interest in being involved. From here a group will be formed to work on fundraising across the year.
Volunteer Opportunities: If you have any special skills, talents, and interests that you would like to share with us at kindergarten please in the first instance speak to your child’s teaching team about how you would like to contribute.
Teacher Communications: We are looking at collecting some more loose parts for outdoor play. If you have access to cable reels, guttering, tyres, wood off-cuts, crates, tubs etc please have a chat with or email Rach You can read more here about loose parts play
From the team at Gowanbrae Children’s Centre
Lake Park Kindergarten
Important Dates: Community Day Term 1: 26th of March. Both groups together 5:00 pm to 6:30pm, venue to be confirmed (probably the park across the road).
Carnavale 25th of February
Ramadan 1st of March
Lent 5th of March to 18th of April
Bastille Day 14th of March (France)
Eid ul-fitr 30th of March
We are looking for input on how best to celebrate these special events.
Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: It has been clear across both groups how much our natural environment impacts children’s learning and play. We have been investigating insects, especially the ones that live at kinder and how we can care for them even if we are feeling a little scared. Alongside this inquiry, we have also had three special visitors to Lake Park. One is a blue-tongued Lizard and the other two are Tawny Frogmouth
birds. Again we have researched the best way to care for them and check the yard daily to see if they are back. There has been lots of talk of the birds that fly over kinder and how sometimes we see them and sometimes
we just see what they leave behind. This has made the children very excited for the Nature program which will
begin in term 2. We have also been investigating colours, different art materials and how we can make our own. This is only the beginning of this inquiry and we cannot wait to see where it takes us.
Child Reflections: It has been wonderful to watch the children both new and returnees making connections with the kindergarten environment, their peers and their teachers. We are already seeing strong friendships forming with beautiful communication.
Volunteer Opportunities: A recent email on celebrations at kindergarten was sent out looking for ideas or volunteers to help us celebrate these special occasions in meaningful ways. We love our diverse community and love to celebrate it.
From the team at Lake Park Kindergarten
Moomba Park Kindergarten
Important Dates: Librarian visit:
Fri 21 March – Kangaroo and Echidna
Thu 27 March – Possums and Wombats at 12:45 pm
Body safety Superstars:
Possum – Thursday 8th May & 15th May 9:30am-10:15am
Wombat – Thursday 8th May & 15th May 10:30am-11:15am
Kangaroo: Tuesday 6th May & 13th May 9:30am-10:15am
Echidna: Tuesday 6th May & 13th May 10:30am-11:15am
Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: Giving a warm welcome to our Moomba Park families for the 2025 Kindergarten year. Kangaroo group has had a positive start to the kinder year. Some have returned for their second year at our service, and others are just beginning their journey with us. Term 1 has seen the children settling into the group, learning the rules and routine and most importantly, feeling safe and secure in their environment.
Educators have been forming a rapport with the children as they slowly get to know their interests. We have introduced an “all about me “bag which was handed out at our induction. The children have the opportunity to share something about themselves through some of their favourite items from home. A great way to build
confidence by speaking in front of our peers but also getting to know our friends and their interests. The children are enjoying group time singing and dancing, learning new songs and listening to story time. We look
forward to our local librarian Nicola who will be visiting the group in a few weeks’ time.
The Possum group is focusing on building children’s confidence, independence, and relationships, all of which contribute to developing a strong sense of identity in kindergarten. The kindergarten environment is
new for many children, and we encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings about how the environment and the people around them make them feel. We also aim to help children become aware of how their
peers feel and begin to recognise the emotions of others. We will encourage children to bring their culture with them as they navigate kindergarten. This could involve sharing their language, wearing cultural clothes, bringing cultural food for lunchtime, and recognizing their cultural flag(s) on our community wall. We are encouraging families to provide a family photo and a baby photo of their child so that we can display them on our community wall in the classroom. This will help give children a sense of identity and make them feel as though they truly
belong in this space. The group is also working on a colour exploration inquiry project, aimed at
introducing children to the concept of primary colours, encouraging experimentation by mixing colours and observing the results, and fostering creativity and curiosity through hands-on colour mixing experiences. All children in three-years-old Wombat group settled in well within few weeks’ time after starting kinder. Children have been participating in many learning opportunities to learn and practice skills to overcome their
separation anxiety and started building secure relationships with their peers and educators. We also developed respecting relationship with parents and families. Group time sessions have been filled with games,
music, singing songs, dancing, and stories to support children in developing their social and emotional skills and feel safe and happy while staying at kinder. We started Acknowledgment to Country building connection to
Land and respecting First Nation People. We anticipate that all children will keep on learning the whole term strengthening their skills in all areas of their development. For the three-years-old Echidna group; we aim to have a welcoming and warm environment for children as many of them have never been separated from their parents before. We have been collaborating with the families to support the transition, and children have been perceptive to it.
A child really likes ducks and asked us to get it from her bag. It made her feel calm and comfortable in the new kindergarten environment, more children started to show interest in it that led us to set up a water play
area with ducks and frogs. The experience was supported with ducks related books and finger puppets. Children are learning about numbers through five little ducks’ song and book reading.
Group time is used for children to learn about their peers. Children happily share their names with the whole group. it is providing them with a sense of belonging. We also extending on children’s interest and integrate nature in our program. During outdoor play children noticed a bee. Maintaining a safe distance, we followed the bee’s movement from one flower to another. This gave us an opportunity to practice mindfulness and discuss the bee’s movement pattern and relationship with flowers. We continued this discussion in group time so that the other children are aware of this discovery and are included in our discussions.
Teacher Communications: Moomba Park Kindergarten team is looking forward to the year ahead.
From the team at Moomba Park Kindergarten
Newlands Preschool
Important Dates: Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: Newlands has hit the ground running in 2025. Currently operating one group two days a week has meant staff are all working closely together and have really enjoyed setting up the room in a way that deeply reflects the children and their current needs and interests. Newlands is seeing the older children work on their emergent leadership skills as the younger children are supported to settle into a learning environment. For many of our children it is the first time in an educational space and educators have been busy supporting some big emotions. We have been working with allied health in supporting children with separation and separation anxiety and we are all ready seeing strong improvements in the children and families.
Child Reflections: Rowan and Wisa had a visit this week from a student from 2024 who was back from London for a brief holiday. The child ran back into the room with giant smile and proceeded to put their items away and try and tell their caregiver to leave! It is moments like this that prove all the hard work we put into forming strong relationships worthwhile. Attached is a drawing completed by the child of their new school in London.
Incursions/Excursions: As the group settles, we will start to develop our risk management for excursions and ease into some local community walks and nature play. Some of the older children are all ready excited about getting out and about and Rowan hopes to get them more involved in the planning of these outings (sorting the excursion bag, drawing maps of the space and helping to lead discussions with the newer children over what to expect when we go on these community walks).
Parent Fundraising Group: Newlands has an excess of printed t-shirts. If you are interested in one, all we are asking for is a gold coin donation. Please see staff and foyer for color and sizes.
Service Building Works/Improvements: Newlands Preschool has had some work done over the holidays – the class room has been refreshed with new carpet and vinyl flooring. We also acquired some new tables and chairs so the learning space is looking AMAZING.
From the team at Newlands Preschool
Oak Park Kindergarten
Important Dates: Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
What’s happening in our kindergarten program: It’s been a very settled start to the year with most children enjoying their time at Kinder with their new teachers and friends. Both classrooms started the year with new furniture, which has helped merge the old and new areas. Initially the children stayed close to their classrooms, with lots to do and explore in their rooms. We are now seeing them becoming more confident and curious and they are starting to enter and explore the other classroom at times. It has also been wonderful watching the 4yo’s assist the 3yo’s in certain activities, giving them guidance and feedback and lots of encouragement to keep trying.
Bush Kinder/Nature Program: Our 4yo’s have started going down to Bush Kinder and everyone is busy exploring the land and finding lots of fun things to do. We are currently dismantling the shelter that the 2023 groups constructed and are reusing the sticks to make a new one against the car park wall. They’ve also had fun climbing the trees, looking for bugs and running up and down the hill.
Child Safety Information: To prevent any children running out the front door when it is open at arrival and departure time, can you please make sure that the door between the foyer and corridor remains closed at all times when not being used. Please do not prop this door open or let any child that is not yours out of it. We want to keep our children safe.
Service Building Works/Improvements: It has been very exciting to have full access to our new kindergarten and make it into a welcoming and comfortable place for us all. With the build over, we are now at finding faults stage, so our builder is still occasionally dropping in to make repairs. Hopefully these visits will decrease over time and all will work well soon. The temperamental doorbell has been replaced, and I have been asked to tell you all to press the button lightly. Hopefully this works!
Teacher Communications: Our family lending library is in the green cupboard outside the staff room door for families to borrow books from. There are books in many different languages as well as the topics of Aboriginal and body safety. Please feel free to take a look and choose a book to take home and read.
From the team at Oak Park Kindergarten
Pascoe Vale Community Centre Kindergarten
Important Dates: Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
Ramadan-Thursday 6th March On Thursday, March 6th, the Red Group will be acknowledging Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and holds great significance for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. A simple greeting such as “Ramadan Mubarak” or “Happy Ramadan” can be a meaningful way to connect with and show support for the Muslim community.
Holi- Thursday 13th March On Thursday, March 13th, the Red Group will be acknowledging Holi. Holi is a vibrant Indian cultural festival, also known as the “Festival of Colours.” It is a celebration of joy, unity, and the arrival of spring.
Harmony Week- Tuesday 18th March On Tuesday, March 18th, the Red Group will be acknowledging Harmony Day, a nationally recognized observance that celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. This day provides an opportunity for people to come together, celebrate what makes each individual unique, and appreciate the values we all share. The key message of Harmony Day is “Everyone Belongs.” To embrace this spirit, we encourage children to wear a touch of orange—the colour symbolizing Harmony Day—or their cultural dress to celebrate the diversity within our community.
Easter Celebration- Thursday 3rd March Thursday, March 3rd, is our last day of kindergarten for Term 1! To celebrate, we will be engaging in fun Easter activities, and the Easter Bunny may even leave some special surprises for us. Children are welcome to dress up in Easter-themed outfits or accessories if they wish. We look forward to a joyful and festive celebration together!
Last Day of Term One-3rd March The last day of Term 1 will be Thursday, April 3rd. We will return for Term 2 on Monday, April 23rd.
Parents Teacher meeting Information regarding the Parent-Teacher meetings will be sent out shortly.
Welcome to Term 1 at PVCCK!
We would like to extend our warmest welcome to all PVCCK families and express our heartfelt gratitude for your support, respect, and kindness since the very first week of the term. As a newly established centre, the children of 2025 hold a special place as the founding Kinder group of PVCCK. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful group of children who are kind, respectful, and considerate towards their peers and educators.
Our primary focus in Term 1 is to build strong relationships with both families and children, ensuring they feel a sense of belonging and comfort in their new environment. We are dedicated to helping them develop an understanding of respect, kindness, and teamwork while adapting to new routines, friendships, and educators. To achieve this, we have been engaging with the children through various hands-on experiences and discussions to better understand their interests and support their learning journey.
One of the highlights of our play-based learning this term has been Home Corner. The children eagerly take on roles as parents, engaging in imaginative play such as cooking together, sharing recipes, and even making coffee and cupcakes for the educators to help them “stay active.” Through this role-play, they are developing important social skills, learning to express themselves, listen to others, respect different perspectives, and share their ideas. Dramatic play encourages them to explore different identities, strengthening their confidence and communication skills.
We have also introduced a variety of sensory experiences, which have been a great source of joy and learning. Activities such as playdough, sand play, water play, imaginative role-play, and construction have provided the children with opportunities to develop their fine and gross motor skills, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and sensory exploration through touch, smell, sight, and sound.
Group time has been another favourite part of the day, where children enthusiastically engage in singing, hand actions, and movement-based activities. It has been wonderful to see their confidence grow as they sing independently and participate with enthusiasm.
As we continue through the term, we look forward to fostering each child’s social and emotional development, helping them feel safe, secure, and supported in their learning environment. Thank you for your ongoing support—we are excited for a fantastic year ahead with our PVCCK families!
Teacher Communication: Session Time: The kinder session runs from 8:30-4:00pm. All the families, please pick up your child on time at 4:00pm. If you are running late, please call the staff so we can inform your child.
Clothing: Please ensure your child has extra clothes in their bags in case they get wet. We have indoor-outdoor program and children go outside even in wet weather, please dress them accordingly and send them to kinder with extra clothes.
Family Photos: We are making a Red Group Family Album with photos of all the families, please bring a photo of your family or you can also email me the photo.
Hats, Sunscreen and Footwear: Just a friendly reminder, it’s still summertime and during the day UV rays are going to be moderate to high. The children require a Sunhat during the outdoor play so please send your child to kinder with a sun hat or always keep one in your child’s bag.
Please apply sunscreen before the session starts and we will also reapply it during the day. Kinder will provide sunscreen to all the children but if your child is using a specific brand of sunscreen, please keep one at kinder so your child can use it during the day whenever it’s required.
We will also engage in more water play during the warmer times, so please pack extra clothing for your child.
Please remember to: Cover shoulders with t-shirts, Apply sunscreen, No thongs and crocs are allowed; footwear must have a strap across the back of shoes/sandals.
Labels: Please label all your children’s belongings to avoid things getting lost or mixed up!
From the team at Pascoe Vale Community Centre Kindergarten
St Linus Kindergarten
Important Dates: Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
3-year-old kinder:
21/ 03 Harmony day Wear orange and pack some foods from your culture in your lunch box to show your peers.
31/3: Last day of term 1
4/4: Staff PD day. Kinder closed.
4-year-old kinder:
12/3: Melbourne Museum incursion
13/3: Melbourne Museum incursion
Wednesday 2/4: Last day of term 1 for Group A
Thursday 3/4: Last day of term 1 for Groups B and C
22/4: Responsible pet program incursion
24/4: Responsible pet program incursion
14/5: Essendon Football Club incursion
15/5: Essendon Football Club incursion
What’s happening at our service: 3-year-old: The children have settled in extremely well. Getting to know each other, their educators and their environments. Many people have commented about how settled the children are.
The children are engaged at group time, the sit and join in actions songs and slowly learning and understanding why was say the acknowledgement of country.
4-year-old: It has been great to see the children settle into their new kinder environment so easily, and making friendships with their peers. We have started talking about families, and what it means to be part of a family. Please email a family photo to
We have had many chats about cooking and how much the children love to cook at home. This has been transferred into their learning environment through making cookies with playdough; soup, granola and cakes with mud; and pasta with sand. We are going to extend on this by introducing cooking classes each week/fortnight. We have begun getting ideas from the children on what they would like to cook at kinder. If you have any family recipes please email them to, or drop them off to your child’s teachers.
Child Reflections: Sharing the joy and happiness with their parents regarding their friends and educators. Parents often share what the children have said at home about having fun at kinder and playing with their friends and educators. The children’s excitement to be coming to kinder in the morning.
Nature Program: The 4-year-old group will begin taking regular outings within their community later this term. You will be advised about this closer to the date.
Parent Fundraising Group: Friday 28/2: Welcome picnic 5:30- 7pm The Hall and the grounds in front of the kinder/hall. A free BBQ will be provided, bring other food you may wish to eat.
Sunday 2/03/25: Bunnings BBQ at Coburg Bunnings. We are still needing some volunteers for the afternoon, sign in sheet available in the foyer. This is our major fundraiser for the year.
Volunteer Opportunities: Bunnings helpers needed – We kindly ask if families could help us out with taking the washing home. If you are able to help, please let your child’s teachers know. It is much appreciated.
Service Building Works/Improvements: We have been lucky enough to secure a grant for inclusive furniture within the kinder room. We are hoping to have this delivered in term 2.
Teacher Communications: We are collecting recycled materials for crafting. Also we would love any expired rice, pasta, coffee beans that we can use for sensory play.
From the team at St Linus Kindergarten
Turner Street Kindergarten
Important Dates: Kinder is closed on Friday 4 April and Monday 3 November for professional development for all staff.
What’s happening in the kinder program: Dear Blue group parents and families,
We are very happy to be teaching your child this year at Turner Street Kindergarten. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to work with a mixed aged group in our room.
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome new children and families to our community and welcome back our returning children and families as well.
Currently, the children are settling well and are showing excitement and curiosity during the session. It is lovely to see some friendships starting to form amongst the children. At group time, the children are learning everyone’s names through our hello and bumble bee songs. We are also teaching and playing simple group games with the children including pass the bean bag and highway number one. As a whole group, we are currently reading Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? By Bill Martin Jr/Eric Carle. Some of the learning experiences the children have been enjoying to date include: Imaginary play with Australian animals and wooden block construction Feeding the babies and making coffee and tea in the home corner.
Most children have settled into preschool eagerly and enthusiastically and are doing well with all of the routines. It is important to note that each child is an individual and that we need to recognise these individual needs with patience and understanding. We are looking forward to a year that is enriching, rewarding, stimulating and balanced in all areas of your child’s. Some children have already made new friends, others are sharing activities and conversations are springing up everywhere as children share their ideas and plans. The stages of play vary remarkably across the groups but gradually all children will develop and enjoy relationships. Most importantly we need to remember children need the opportunity to develop relationships at their own pace. This first term of kindergarten is a time for the children to settle in and familiarise themselves with the staff, other children, the everyday routines of kindergarten and the rules and limitations. During these early sessions at kinder our focus is on getting to know each child, assessing their needs and beginning to plan some simple, positive kindergarten boundaries so as all children develop their awareness of appropriate kindergarten behaviour and how we can all play together safely. The behaviours that we ‘can do’ will become the focus of our talk. During these early session we will also be encouraging the children to verbally solve problems together by modelling words like, “ Alyssa, STOP, throwing sand at me I don’t like it”, “Alyssa, can I play with you”, Alyssa, can you help me please”, Alyssa, I would like to have a turn at the …” encouraging all children to express their own needs and develop their play skills. Our table experiences during these early sessions are deliberately fairly simple, child directed and ‘open-ended” tasks that allow all children to participate and feel successful however they are able to use materials presented. This feeling of success strengthens their self –esteem and self confidence and promotes a positive attitude towards learning. Providing these materials enables the adults in the room to be able to move about the space assisting individual children needing support to settle within the program. As the year progresses greater challenges and opportunities for exploration and discovery will be added to our play environments as we learn more about each child. As the program is developed according to individual needs, there may be a wide range of activities offered at any one time, ranging from simple to challenging.
Childrens Learning Documentation: Our group program will be displayed in an A3 display book located on the sign in table, we encourage you to look through it and add any comments you may wish. This book will contain reflections of the program through photographs and written documentation. Currently we are working on children’s formative assessments – these will assist in guiding individual goals for each child and provide a platform when planning the program. These have been developed through initial observations and information shared of the family questionnaire. Additionally each child has been given a scrap book to fill with their learning, this will include drawing, photocopies of work and photos etc. where the children have an opportunity to reflect on their own learning and contribute to this book.
Parent Fundraising Group: Please see poster below for our Picnic in the Park!
Service Building Works/Improvements: We have a new art cupboard coming soon. If anyone is willing to help out together a flat pack it would be most appreciated.
Teacher Communications: CLOTHING AT KINDERGARTEN – Please make sure clothing is easy for your child to dress and undress themselves, try to avoid buttons and draw strings on pants etc. Tops need to have covered shoulders, as per the Sunsmart policy. A friendly reminder to please bring extra clothes to session as many children enjoy sensory play including mud patch and water play and will require a change of clothes throughout the day. Please also remember to label your child’s name on their belongings as well, families tend to shop at the same place (i.e. K-mart and Big W) so it is common for another child to have the same hat, t-shirt, water bottle etc. as your child. It is confusing for them to know which one is theirs.
SHOES – Please put your child in shoes where they are able to climb and run. No crocs, ballet shoes, gumboots. This way children can participate in any physical play experiences safely and comfortably during the program. It is recommended children are provided with shies that are manageable for them to remove and put back on. Although shoes like converse look great, they are really hard from child, and time consuming for staff to assist outing them back on.
HATS – Please make sure it is a broad brimmed, bucket or legionnaires hat. No caps.
SUNSCREEN Please apply sunscreen to your child before the beginning of the session, whether that is at home or with the sunscreen provided next to the sign in book.
LUNCH BOXES – There are so many wonderful lunch boxes on the market, however please make sure children are able to open and close their own lunch box – it might be something you need to practice at home. We have an countless dropped lunch boxes with all their food sprawled across the floor due to lunch boxes not being closed property (particularly those with B.Box lunch boxes) Please also make sure only water is provided – no juice boxes or milk etc.
END OF THE DAY -We understand that the end of the day school pick up can be tricky and are more than happy for you to pick up your child earlier if that suits your family. We will ask that you refrain from picking up your child from the time frame between 3:45-4pm, we generally are reading a story and it makes it extremely disruptive for the other children, particularly during this time.
From the team at Turner Street Kindergarten
Our Community
Italian Storytime: This fun storytime includes stories, songs and a craft activity. The session is in Italian and everyone is welcome. It is a free event and you can book via the Council website
Storytime: Storytime is a fun interactive event for children aged 3-5 years. The sessions include songs, rhymes and stories. There are also regular Rainbow Family Storytimes. Contact
Storytime session times: Mondays 10.30am at Glenroy Library, Wednesday 10.30am at Campbell Turnball Library, Thursdays 11am at Brunswick Library and Friday 10.30am at Coburg and Fawkner Libraries.
Rhyme Time: Held during school terms on Tuesdays 10.30 at Fawkner Library, Wednesdays 10.30 at Glenroy Library, Thursdays 10.30 and 11.30 at Coburg Library and Friday 10 and 11am at Brunwick Lirbary.
WordPlay: Let’s use our words to play! Word Play is a free literacy program for families to learn English together and make the most of pre-school play. Learning through play is an important part of pre-school learning and in these relaxed sessions we use books, puppets, puzzles and blocks to learn together. Word Play is aimed at pre-school children aged 3-5 years. Wednesday 10.30am at Fawkner Library.
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